Turn Your Donation
Requests into Off-Season Bookings

Streamline your donation requests, promote your property, and generate incremental revenue all at the same time.

Thousands of
Black-Tie Galas

With more than 10,000 nonprofits using our fundraising platform, you have a tremendous opportunity to get professional promotion at nonprofit galas. Each time your package sells, you receive an email notification, a check in the mail for your portion of the winning bid, and direct access to your customer contact details.

How it works

1) Create your vacation package.

Control the package details, valid dates, minimum bid and which nonprofits may promote your property.
2) Add your custom link to your website.

Add your Request Donation link to your website and direct your donation requests there to access your package.
3) Nonprofits promote you to supporters.

Approved 501(c) nonprofits select your package and promote your best photos and videos at their event.
4) You receive a check.

When your package sells, we send you a check for your portion of the winning bid and a new customer.

See Your Revenue Opportunity


Our platform is 100% free with no long term contract.